Wednesday, April 20, 2022

May Day

 As we near Beltane - a high occult holiday - May Day, May 1st, those who rebel will do their rituals, the mainstream will mention it in clever news clips, and the body of the church that is aware of the occult significance of it will pray against it, or at least be wary of it.

History of May Day - Maybe people remember the original Wicker Man (NOT the Nicolas Cage movie), in that film, they show the young girls jumping over the fire to make themselves fertile. This was showing a May Day rite, also referred to culturally, jokingly as "the Rites of Spring," a sanitized way of saying it is a fertility season where people are going to mate like animals, conceive children and eventually give birth. This has nothing to do with romance, love, marriage or any modern concepts we apply to the animal nature of fertility and mating when it is without God. Satanists exalt the animal nature of man while denying the spiritual essence of man. 

Having been involved in the occult, and witchcraft, which I daily renounce through the Grace of God, I remember that there is a hierarchy in witchcraft, for instance, covens have a "high" priestess and priest. Witchcraft is not considered particularly sophisticated, sorcery, which is more the domain of men, is where the real adepts are, where the real power resides. It is my opinion, observation, call it what you will, that sorcery, being perverted and using sexual perversion to fuel its practices is ruled over by principalities of homosexuality, perversion, witchcraft and pharmacia, is mainly a hierarchy of men and at its core homosexual, and only tolerates witches, who are mainly women because it needs to use them to generate power, the way a battery generates energy through the combination of positive and negative charges. Sorcery runs on the same polarity and must have both the positive  (men) and negative (women) poles in order to raise the energy they need to be effective.

If it weren't for this factor, women would never be allowed into occult circles or practices. Since they are only being used to further the occult aims of an occult elite, it was eventually devised for women to do more to socially advance the occult agenda. Hence feminism, wherein women were encouraged to rebel against Almighty God, and the "patriarchy" - a drummed up historical take on the fact that early men, being of greater physical strength and not limited by having to bear or raise children did most of the nuts and bolts tasks of civilization, including ruling over it. Feminism was used to destroy the nuclear family, create the pro-abortion "Our Bodies Ourselves," movement, promote and further the agenda of a homosexual culture, scramble gender identity, raise and educate children to be selfish, idolatrous and rebellious, turn women from motherhood and pair bonding with a mate, and finally to create a goddess worship ethos within popular culture where women celebrated and worshipped the goddess, i.e., feminine principle within themselves, when not overtly worshipping an actual pagan goddess taken from an ancient culture. Feminism promoted the fertility goddesses of old and encouraged us to look to the ancient arts for wisdom and understanding, forgetting to mention that the ancient arts are almost always part of the dark arts; that is what they were meant for.

What does all of this have to do with May Day? The origins of May Day - a big pagan celebration where children danced around a pole (representing the phallus or male polarity)  and girls were instilled with fertility imaginations,  is still feeding the same old fertility cult and demons (Baal was male) using culture and  traditions to indoctrinate another crop of humans into the roiling, toiling world of not knowing our true God, Jesus Christ. The fact that it is always around the same time as Easter is not an accident, as the secular celebration of Easter is all about bunnies and eggs and candy and FERTILITY.

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