They who seeketh and do desireth of the light, they who call themselves "lightworkers" - a term soon to, no doubt, be included in Webster's dictionary, are fond of pointing out that the Labyrinth of Chartres is not only a mysterious sacred-geometry tool of inner development and mystical insight (go to this site for what I consider the gold standard of this type of patter), but that it parallels the circuitry of the human brain, making it scientifically sound on some level. The real neuroscience books about the brain and the labyrinth cost money to download or print, so I am afraid you will have to do with more of the same:
Louis Charpentier, the French expert on Chartres, in his book The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral; Thorsons Publishers Limited, Wellingborough; 1983. talks about the "telluric forces" and the theory that the builders of the major European cathedrals, including Chartres, consulted and incorporated these forces in choosing the cathedrals' location as well as planning their orientation. -from Boticelli's Labyrinth Chapter of
Those theories say that such labyrinths (There are more styles then just the medieval one at the cathedral at Chartres and there are organizations to preserve the integrity of the historical study of these differences.), those that parallel our brain, can facilitate healing and balancing, centeredness, insight and other non-quantifiable goals which would eventually loop us back to ancient astronaut/scientist, priest-king theories about our origins, if I were so inclined, which I am not.
I learned, from discussions of alchemy in the past, that the metallurgy employed to develop the tints used in authentic medieval stained glass, used alchemical formulas that, when activated by the sunlight, produced the actual ray frequency of the color, much like a blue laser will be on that specific light frequency of blue, or a red laser on red, and so forth, different than shining a light or beam through colored glass, which is not about frequency of light, but about visible spectrum.
So what you would get in a labyrinth in a medieval cathedral, with the true formulaic stained glass would be an experience of alchemy that would, my guess would be, put you into an altered state of consciousness, the reasons for which I can only assume would be to have a mystical experience of some sort.
Landru on a good hair day |
Travels with my Aunt, if my Aunt was Satan
(apologies to Graham Greene)
In the Fall of 2010, Pope Benedict XVI (Ratzinger-think about it) visited London. There were many marches and demonstrations decrying his sexism, his anti-birth control stance, his cover-ups of pedophilia, his anti-gay policy, the church's genocidal attitude toward indigenous peoples, and many more transgressions that I don't remember. Prior to video "taping"(digital) the protest of 20,000 people through the streets of London, on Sept. 18, I was encamped at a home in the Charring Cross district of London, where I had a peculiar experience that is as stamped upon my memory as much as any experience that Fall. Incidentally, I had no idea this protest was going to be the big deal it turned out to be, I was there to videotape things in London related to the Pope's visit and debates going on about secular vs. theological humanism, or so I thought.So, I was sitting in a garden at the back of a home in Charring Cross. Unbeknownst to me, a well-known energy-healer was also on the premises, giving energy, support and healing to the protesters, to prep them physically, emotionally and spiritually for the march. So a guy I'd seen at the house, but never been introduced to, nor did I know who he was, sat down next to me while I was working at a laptop on video footage ingestion preparedness (those of you who do video will know that it is similar to preparing for a NASA mission). After asking me a few normal-type computer questions about memory capacity, etc., the guy, I forget his name, David, maybe, began channeling. At first I didn't "get" it, and thought he was psychically picking up on weird woo-hoo things: what star system I was from (I forget); my true purpose (also forgotten); future (for...) and like that. But then he started "coming through" in different voices, such as 3 brothers from the 1600s with the surname MacGregor, who all spoke with a highlands lilt.
There were three, one was Douglas and he was a successful doctor, the other ones were not successful and one of them was really disappointed (still) about that, but what his name was... I can't recall. OK, maybe it is not so much "stamped" on my memory as trailed lightly through it, but the general experience is still there. Oh did I mention the demons? Yes, there were demons being channeled there in that garden in London on that crisp, lovely Fall day. Because you see, everyone was there for the Pope. I distinctly remember the demon saying that the Pope was there to see something rubbed in the stench of his own filth. Yep. And as if this unsolicited channeling wasn't plenty of weird enough for me, a few months ago I saw an old movie (mentioned in another blog I was perusing) on You Tube called Curse of the Demon 1958 (U.S.), or Night of the Demon (1957) in Britain. There is a Victorian spiritualist channeled in this flick called Mr. Meeks. During a seance, a spirit comes through Mr. Meeks called Mr. MacGregor who speaks with a heavy Scottish brogue, almost a parody of such. I don't know if these MacGregors are typical familiar spirits making the rounds through channelers, as the likes of "St. Germaine", or "Kathumi Lal Singh" seem to do; or if the guy in the garden in London saw the same movie. I guess that's why it's called The Great Mystery. If I could only figure out what "it" is.
There is a character in the movie by the way, Julian Karswell who is supposed to bear a resemblance to Aleister Crowley- coincidence you say? Uh-huh.
After the Fall
Months after the Pope's visit, the Richard Dawkins people contacted me to use my footage, found online, in their documentary about him, which I consented to. Evidently, out of the 20,000 people attending the rally/march, and what looked to me like at least 5000 of them shooting video, there was a dearth of video footage to be had for this event. I knew that he'd been a keynote speaker at the after-march rally which took place, I believe, somewhere near 10 Downing after the march started at Hyde Park, went through Piccadilly, under the Column of Nelson in Trafalgar Square (that I remember) and then over to Westminster where it ended on Downing. There in the plaza at the end of the march, I saw Dawkins holding a kind of rally/press-conference where people were clustered around him, cheering him on. I didn't know until recently that he is the poster-child for atheistic/secular humanism. He's like Ayn Rand with a cooler accent and a classier spiel. He doesn't use the non sequitur "enlightened self-interest.
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The Beat Goes On
I became a born-again Christian at the end of 2012, beginning of 2013, in large part because of my many supernatural experiences, which I was just too dense to "get" for almost my entire life up until recently, in 2015. I stupidly thought that spiritual warfare occurred between two beings; I thought that "I" was fighting the out-of-body attacker. I no longer believe in practicing astral travel, depth psychology, reincarnation, astrology, numerology, tarot, kabbalah, channeling or anything of that nature, except as devices of satan and the dark side. Yes, I believe in a literal satan/lucifer/devil and I don't care if the world thinks that I am crazy, stupid, etc. My beliefs are based on my own experiences and the experience of salvation as offered and given to me by Jesus Christ. Astral travel is powered by demons, who want you cut loose in their spiritual worlds (the lower heavens) so they can destroy you physically, mentally and spiritually. I, (and anyone around me) have only been protected from demonic malice and shenanigans by the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit that takes up residence and indwells in those who call upon the Lord; that is where the glory goes, and it is that which has saved me from destruction, death and from being lost forever spiritually, countless times, and countless other times that I don't even know about. May God bless anyone reading this and may you find the Truth of God, soon, before your time is up.
Postscript: Letter sent to a Church that was concerned about the "juxtaposition" - nice word for hypocrisy- of authorities clearing out the homeless to make nice for the Pope's visit to address issues such as homelessness.
Police Move Homeless Off Philadelphia Streets Before
Pope's Visit
It's an "unusual" move amid the pontiff's repeated
calls to welcome the poor.
News Service
By Alex Jacobi
Posted: 09/26/2015 07:19 AM EDT
This is really not that unusual, in fact it is business as
usual – the homeless and other marginalized persons are always removed when
standing dignitaries arrive and/or a location gets international attention for
an event. The 2010 Olympics was notorious for displacing homeless residents of
Vancouver, B.C.:
Many of the homeless in Vancouver were Canadian Indians, yet
the B.C. Olympics kicked-off with a spectacular entertainment extravaganza with
a First Nation theme, featuring traditional First Nation dances, lore, costumes
and so forth (performed by First Nation performance artists).
I was in London several months later when Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph
Ratzinger) visited in 2010. Twenty thousand Europeans marched through
London to protest his visit and his policies on issues such as birth control,
homosexuality, etc. They were also very vocal about Ratzinger’s collusion with
the cover-up of the many outed (during his tenure) pedophiles in the Catholic
There wasn’t that much mainstream media mention or footage
of the protest in Europe. So, I can only assume that people saw a brief glimpse
of that massive denunciation here. It is
my unsubstantiated opinion the Ratzinger resigned not for health reasons but that
he was forced out because of the way he handled the pedophilia scandals. Then
Francis, “the people’s Pope,” was put in place to do lots of feels good P.R., which
we are now witnessing here in the States.
“The Holy Man meets the Heads of State” idea, while creating
charming visual images such as Pope Francis patting schoolchildren’s heads, is
as much a media concoction as The Prince
and the Showgirl is a Hollywood
fantasy. The Pope is a political figure. While in London in 2010, I witnessed the London
police using facial recognition technology to pick protesters out of the
crowds, ticket them and remove them, even at the preliminary protests a few
days before the main event, where there may have been only 100-300 people in
attendance. It was understood that a third ticket for one individual at a
Pope-related event meant that they would be arrested, detained and held for an
indeterminate amount of time, or possibly institutionalized if deemed
fitting. The people they targeted did
not have, to my knowledge, a history of violence or terrorism, but they were
well-known activists in areas of advocacy for indigenous people and victims of
child and sexual abuse.
A Bit of Testimony*
I became a born-again Christian at the end of 2012, beginning of 2013, in large part because of my many supernatural experiences, which I was just too dense to "get" for almost my entire life up until recently, in 2015. I stupidly thought that spiritual warfare occurred between two beings; I thought that "I" was fighting the out-of-body attacker. I no longer believe in practicing astral travel, depth psychology, reincarnation, astrology, numerology, tarot, kabbalah, channeling or anything of that nature, except as devices of satan and the dark side. Yes, I believe in a literal satan/lucifer/devil and I don't care if the world thinks that I am crazy, stupid, etc. My beliefs are based on my own experiences and the experience of salvation as offered and given to me by Jesus Christ. Astral travel is powered by demons, who want you cut loose in their spiritual worlds (the lower heavens) so they can destroy you physically, mentally and spiritually. I, (and anyone around me) have only been protected from demonic malice and shenanigans by the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit that takes up residence and indwells in those who call upon the Lord; that is where the glory goes, and it is that which has saved me from destruction, death and from being lost forever spiritually, countless times, and countless other times that I don't even know about. May God bless anyone reading this and may you find the Truth of God, soon, before your time is up.
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