When Life Gives you Poison - Make Poisonade.
Why is it always ex-satanists like Mark Passio that articulate the specific methods of world-domination used by global elites so succinctly and with such insight? Probably because Luciferians and Satanists have been on the inside track within the philosophical outpourings and rhetoric of the New Age movement since Illuminist operative H.P. Blavatsky founded Theosophy and subsequently spawned its conduit Victorian Spiritualism. Passio identifies the introduction of moral relativism, or the idea that there is no such thing as objective right or wrong as the major avenue for laying the ground in which to plant the seeds of a conscienceless, fear-filled Psychopathic society in "the dead," as the master controllers refer to us. Passio's work focuses on key methods of indoctrinating us into the total-control matrix:
1) Mind Control and hypnosis through repetition of key ideas and symbols into the collective.
2) Social Darwinism - the idea that the strongest (read supermen) are the smartest, therefore most powerful, and the fittest and deserve to rule.
3) The institutionalization of Psychopathic thinking embedded in education, medicine, government, etc.
The ruling elite, Illuminati, whatever they are called, operates on the basis that they are genetically (that is where the bloodline ideologies come in) and intellectually superior to other-than-them humans and therefore deserve to squeeze every last drop of power, advantage and privilege out of the lower orders and the sweat of their brow. If genetic superiority is the theory, then Eugenics is the practice.
The sinkhole of Moral Relativism can generally be summed up by its main mushy polemic: 'what is right for me is right;' it's all a matter of choice. This is essential to the mish-mosh being created to destroy critical thinking, because critical thinking is essential to all-over human self-preservation.
New Age ascension spirituality echoes the idea of an advanced race of evolved humans who have changed their "vibration," i.e. raised it, which will polarize them from the lower vibrational, negative masses (me), and propel them to a new earth or "new earth star" where they and others like them will live in some sort (varies) of golden age, where there is no death (usually).
Roger Morneau, a Christian author who died in 1998, was inducted into a satanist cult while a young blue collar worker living in Montreal right after WW II. Morneau logged hours of video interviews, now available on You Tube (Full Length), about his dealings with upper-class satanist society in Montreal. There is one particular part of his documentary (it appears to have been done in the early to mid-1980s') in which Morneau tells of the high priest of the cult explaining the dark-side incremental plan that was put forth at a "Council of the 1700s." According to Morneau, that infernal conference included the plan of taking hypnotism out of the realm of the occult and getting people to accept it as medical science for the benefit of mankind; and promoting Darwinism/ the theory of evolution as a means of refuting the Bible, which would make Christians question their faith, while at the same time entrenching humanity into the idea of materialism as the sole essence of existence. Another track was convincing people that necromancy (talking to the dead) is an average human experience, which gave rise to Blavatsky's channeling-entities fad which launched the New Age movement, which gave rise to saying that there is no God nor the devil, which was revised to mean no good or evil, which became moral relativism, which put down tracks for Novus Ordo Seclorum, or: A New Order of the Ages, and now I have come full circle.
Because part of getting people to not believe in God is to get them to not believe in satan, but first they have to believe that good and evil are relative and subjective: it's all about your comfort zone. Church of Satan founder Anton LeVey developed the high profile satanist party line to a T: pretending to not believe in the Judeo-Christian devil, while developing the black mass which is a reverse Catholic mass, writing a satanic bible which is the antithesis of the Christian Bible, all the while paying tribute to said devil by practicing dark occultism and cursing people. LeVey promoted satanism as, what you'd call a system of guidelines, for living an Ayn Rand "enlightened self-interest" type of philosophy. This is the paradox of satanism, because to really serve evil you have to be part of the movement to convince people that there is no good or evil; these are merely concepts developed by organized religions to control people and limit our freedom [to take whatever we want, from whomever we want, whenever we want, without guilt].
Hitting the Psy-Optic Nerve
Back to Roger Morneau: he became a 7th Day Adventist, and one thing that he does explain to me at the very least is why Adventists worship on Saturday rather than Sundays. As Morneau explains, the high priest told him that Christians were duped into worshiping on Sundays as homage to satan, because Sunday was his day, as Lucifer "the brightest and most magnificent" was personified as the sun in pagan-civilization sun worship.
It does seem that the serpent wisdom, or illumination, that is said to have been bestowed upon man by Lucifer, was observed early on as sun-god worship. I think that Luciferians have always sought communion with what they see as the massive spiritual intelligence of the Sun, and that way back there in ancient Egypt (the source of Western occultism), when Akhenaton introduced monotheism in the form of Aton the sun-disk, it was the initial appearance of a unified Luciferianism and the beginning of the Illumined ones, or Illuminati. This explains to me why there is so much energy going into the contemporary "expose" that the Son of God, Jesus Christ is just an adaptation of the worship of ancient sun-gods like Apollo, etc. Excepting that there are plenty of theologians that can refute the idea that Jesus Christ was just another sun-god in a long succession of pagan gods emanating from the "solar logos." This is just another way of reducing all spiritual urges to materialism and distilling down faith-based beliefs to primitive superstitions that were later turned into profit-based schemes, again falsely concluding that all human endeavor toward spiritual understanding is really based in materialism, the religion of the Illuminati.
The main thrust of novus ordo seclorum has to do with "the end of duality" and an "ascent" into something called unity consciousness which is often, in a nod to the scientific, correlated to Einstein's unified field theory. Another brilliant scientific mind,, Terence McKenna, an ethno-botanist with advanced-for-his-time computer geeking abilities graphed an algorithmic theory, Time Wave Theory that viewed the universe in waves that peaked and valley-ed along a continuum of novelty: consciousness seeks novel ways to express life and in doing so becomes innovative. McKenna's work was naturally immediately worked into the cultural directive of moral relativism.
The late-60's counterculture provided the petri dish in which to foment the state of disintegration and alienation that pulled at the threads that led to our current state of disarray...
by James Bravewolf
Southern California: Cradle of Civilization
Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon: |
Esalen - in the mid-80s a friend got me a scholarship to do a workshop on "process painting" there. I did not know what Esalen was exactly, or the reputation that it had, although I had some ideas that that it was considered to be doing cutting-edge work in the field of psychology. It has since been revealed by alternative historians that "cathartic" release therapies made the first inroads into getting the public to genuinely participate with our own mass trauma based mind control:
Confusion technique (from the Milton H. Erickson Wiki Page)
In all my techniques, almost all, there is a confusion.[11]
A confused person has their conscious mind busy and occupied, and is very much inclined to draw upon unconscious learnings to make sense of things. A confused person is in a trance of their own making - and therefore goes readily into that trance without resistance. Confusion might be created by ambiguous words, complex or endless sentences, pattern interruption or a myriad of other techniques to incite transderivational searches.
Scottish surgeon James Braid, who coined the term "hypnotism", claimed that focused attention was essential for creating hypnotic trances; indeed, his thesis was that hypnosis was in essence a state of extreme focus. But it can be difficult for people racked by pain, fear or suspicion to focus on anything at all. Thus other techniques for inducing trance become important, or as Erickson explained:
... long and frequent use of the confusion technique has many times effected exceedingly rapid hypnotic inductions under unfavourable conditions such as acute pain of terminal malignant disease and in persons interested but hostile, aggressive, and resistant...
This article introduces hypnotic principles of confusion and trance as fundamental operations in Gestalt therapy. A process is identified which utilizes perceptual shifts of reference as a method of organizing Gestalt techniques. The sequence of operations constituting the confusion process is outlined and developed in a psychotherapy session through the use of implication, dissociation, and embodiment. The development of this organization of Gestalt therapy is intended to enhance the strategic capacities of therapists.
Gestalt therapy and other forms of cathartic therapies exploded into the "process therapy movement" of the late 80s and 90s, emphasizing recapitulating the feelings surrounding early trauma and then purging them through catharsis. In Gestalt therapy, a technique called the "hot seat" was employed where a group focuses on someone in a searingly open and pointed manner, purportedly causing the person to crack their repressed facade (is there any other kind) and "release" the real pent up emotions (usually anger that could not be safely expressed at the time of the original trauma) behind the mask. I have seen this technique demonstrated and I have seen and felt firsthand how it fits into confusing people about the standards of decent behavior. A person with normal human decency senses that it is wrong and abusive to be brutally honest and push a vulnerable person past their limits, but because you are being trained by expert glamour-puss therapists, it somehow makes it seem OK, because it is ultimately for their own good mental health.
Fritz Perls was also reputedly a front person for work being done at the Tavistock Institute where he helped initiate "sensitivity training" as a legitimate psycho-therapeutic field of study. Tavistock is a think tank for studies pertaining to mind control and manipulation, operating under the guise of a "cutting edge" psychology research foundation. "Coincidentally," Tavistock is also linked with the Eugenics movement in early 20th century England.
But I did not know the full history of Esalen at the time; I only knew that I had an opportunity to stay in Big Sur, a breathtakingly beautiful area where the cliffs and the ocean meet in Southern California. I could see whales spouting out in the ocean from the cliffs above Esalen, where I was there to stay for 2 weeks - ten days of which was "The Painting Experience," where I got to paint all day uninterrupted, while the facilitators kept my supplies replenished and mixed the paint for the attendees, allowing us to focus on nothing but pure creative expression. The dark side takes up occupancy in the most beautiful areas of the planet. It is part of the whole seductiveness of evil thing.I get it now.
At one day's dinner announcement they told us that the massage trainees were being trained in a newish program, which at that time I think they were calling Sensual Massage - This was a type of massage that addressed issues of sexuality. The therapist did loving, sensuous touch to the client, like kissing them and turning them on, some erotic touch ( I didn't quite know what that meant, but I assumed it was subtle), but see, the client works through their sexual issues by seeing that they can get all turned on while keeping a safe therapeutic relationship with their
Detect them in my vicinity, I did, as mostly these healing tableau were taking place 20 feet away, where in full line of vision were couples in various states of healing, working on their blocks to intimacy. This seemed voyeuristic to me, and an invasion of my privacy, while at the same time creating an inner conflict because I was supposed to be worried about invading their privacy and disrupting their process. You could choose to have this treatment sans the eroticism but no one seemed to be ordering from that side of the menu.The ineffable sexual tension was so heavy, that had it become effable you could have bottled the formula and sold it to commercial construction developers. On the way back to my guesthouse, I would hear people rustling around in the bushes beside the trail. I called these encounters "bush therapy," a joke only I found HI-LAR-I-OUS, if you can believe it.,
All of the therapists were female and all of the clients were male as far as I could tell, and when I asked what was the difference between this new healing modality and the standard hooker/john relationship, I was told that both the therapist and client were working out their sexual issues. Again: "what is the difference between this and the standard... ?" Blank look, hostile silence. In those days, I did not feel that I could afford to be "negative" while joyriding courtesy of the SoCal elite.So I didn't push it.
Annette Funicello (October 22, 1942 – April 8, 2013) |
I became a born-again Christian at the end of 2012, beginning of 2013, in large part because of my many supernatural experiences, which I was just too dense to "get" for almost my entire life up until recently, in 2015. I stupidly thought that spiritual warfare occurred between two beings; I thought that "I" was fighting the out-of-body attacker. I no longer believe in practicing astral travel, depth psychology, reincarnation, astrology, numerology, tarot, kabbalah, channeling or anything of that nature, except as devices of satan and the dark side. Yes, I believe in a literal satan/lucifer/devil and I don't care if the world thinks that I am crazy, stupid, etc. My beliefs are based on my own experiences and the experience of salvation as offered and given to me by Jesus Christ. Astral travel is powered by demons, who want you cut loose in their spiritual worlds (the lower heavens) so they can destroy you physically, mentally and spiritually. I, (and anyone around me) have only been protected from demonic malice and shenanigans by the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit that takes up residence and indwells in those who call upon the Lord; that is where the glory goes, and it is that which has saved me from destruction, death and from being lost forever spiritually, countless times, and countless other times that I don't even know about. May God bless anyone reading this and may you find the Truth of God, soon, before your time is up.